One of the gals, Renae, starts training my on the Auto Pilot which is the big computerized work horse that I do 97.836% of all my quilting on. While we are waiting for it to stitch out a pattern I start talking to her.
"You do a lot of quilting?" A dumb question, but it was a conversation starter.
"Oh yes, at my shop we run two Auto Pilots pretty much non stop." was her kind response.
"You ever run anything other than an Innova?"
"I used a Gammil for a while then I switched to an A1 before settling on an Innova."
At this point I am thinking to myself that Renae is a serious quilter. How serious I was about to find out.
"Why did you switch?"
"Let me show you..."
Renae then proceeds to pull a huge book looking thing out of her bag, it wasn't really a book it was "draft" copy of an upcoming book. Now I am thinking she must be important because she gets to edit quilt books.
She opens up the manuscript and points to a picture.
"This was done with a Gamill."
She flips a few pages.
"This was done with an A-1"
Flips back a page.
"Here is where I started using the Innova"
As I was looking at the pictures I could see exactly what she was talking about, the difference in stitch quality was noticeably once it was pointed out.
"You wrote a quilt book, do you do show quilts?" I should be the next Anderson Cooper with my deep probing questions.
"Karen Buckley and I won best in show in Paducah last year." I recognized Karen's name because we sell her scissors in the store, and I recognized Paducah because that is like "The quilt show of quilt shows".
"So you are like quilting royalty?" I did ask a question that stupid.
"Something like that."
That's what happened when the competition proven Master Quilter Renae Haddadin spent a day in our shop. I had know idea who she was. I have to say she is super nice and down to earth and not the least bit pretentious.
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