Pre-washing: I don't do it. I have a hard enough time getting my underwear into the washing machine why am I going to waste my time pre-washing fabric? If you are using first quality quilting goods the color is not going to bleed and the shrinkage will be minimal. Plus if you wait until after our project is quilted to wash it that little bit of shrinkage tightens everything up and gives it that classic quilt look. If you do pre-wash you have to press everything and tag it with some light starch or sizing to put some body back into your fabric to get crisp clean cuts and nice straight lines. So being lazy and slightly allergic to the ironing board I opt out of pre-washing.
Polyester thread: It won't kill you. I have talked to some veteran quilters and they act like polyester thread is of the devil. In a therapy session with one of these vets I delved a little deeper into their polyester trauma and learned that their mother's uncle's sister's third cousin's best friend once had the thread cut their fabric while sewing. If any thread cuts your fabric while sewing you have a machine problem, not a thread problem. There was also some rumor of the limited life span of polyester. Polyester is a form of plastic, if plastic decayed faster than cotton would we have overflowing land fills? Yes some polyesters do not do well with prolonged exposure to UV rays, but there again your quilt will be faded and useless by the time the thread becomes a problem. Polyester fabric is a whole different story.
Machine on bindings: It is an option. Admittedly hand finished bindings gives the best finish. I often machine my bindings on because at least that way they get done. I make my quilts with the idea that they will be used by myself or someone else to snuggle under or take the chill off a winter night, Are you really looking at the binding? If a quilt does get heavy use a machined binding will hold up better over time.
Mixing batik and cottons: When and why was this ever illegal?

Ugly Quilts: I have made a few. Everyone does, but it's like an ugly baby, you love it anyway and it will grow on you.
My list could go on, but it is 9:30 and the shop opens at 10 so I should get back to work. Keep in mind there is no ultimate authority on quilting, the only rule is if you are not smiling you are doing it wrong.
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